Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last post #10

Write about an artist mentioned in Ch 25 , 26, or any other artist you have read about in this class that interests you.


Arlette said...

I find that Vincent Van Gogh's painting are somewhat childlike but at the same time I find the facinating. His strokes at first glance looks like a child did them but if a person really looks close you will see that a magnificent artist did them. His strokes are genious the way that they are so distinct. I really enjoy his painting.

LO said...

As this course comes to an end, my favorite artist we have covered to date would have to be Caravaggio. I didn't know what tennebrism was until this course, but have come to find I enjoy paintings done with that technique. His use of spotlighting to draw the viewers attention to a specific object works wonderfully. And I love the contrast of light and dark.

Ray Sanchez said...

Edvard Munch symbolist paintings were mysterious sinous patternig and abstracting as well as by a quest to explore visually the most elemental psychological forces underlying modern civilization. One of his paintings that stand out to me is "The Scream," clasping hands to a skill-like head, a grotesquely compressed writhing figure gives voice to a base fear that appears funneled into it from the oozing hysterical landscape behind.

Chaotin (Lena T.) said...

wohooo I'm not first...sorry just had to say that. I love Titian with his variety of unique colors. It is so different then any other artist during that time. Also he influenzed so many artist.

N, Julieth said...

I really like the painting "the kiss" by Gustav Klimt because it is different. it is not very realistic but it does a good job of getting the emotions out. At a first glance it just looks like a big mess but was you look at it closely you can see the expression on the faces of the man an women and you can almost feel the passion of the kiss.

Shannon S said...

I really liked Angelica Kauffmann. She was highly respected in an age when women weren't taken seriously. The women in her paintings portrayed strength and honor while still holding true to the beauty of the enlightenment.

SandraT said...

I really like Albrecht Durer's art,for his drawings and watercolors are amazing.He mixed the physical energy and full-bodied volume in some of his paintings.However,he also referred to biblical subjects to express his own point of view .

S. Irizarry said...

I like Cezanne's paintings. They are all fairly brightened with color, which is more appealing to look at. also i like how he does some of his paintings abstract. like i said last blog, if you cant tell what it is you can use your imagination and then see what the painters intentions were.

Mr. Persaud said...

I seem to really enjoy Edvard Munch and his "The Scream" painting. I have a weird love of odd paintings such as "The Scream." The colors are great and how they mix together to form in a sense a single color is fascinating to me. The color of the sky and the water interlock together to keep the painting flowing and great looking is a great way to pull a person, especially me, into the artwork. This may be one of my most favorite artists we discussed the whole semester.

Jason said...

I enjoyed the works of Jacob Van Ruisdale, because of the way he could put so much didden meaning into a painting that looks quite simple. He would combine nonrealistic elements to realistsic elements,and this combination, as he proves leads to a masterpiece.