Please comment on the art, architecture of one of the following: Poussin, Rubens, Mansert, Wren, vanDyck, de la Tour, Vouet, Haudouin- Mansert. Please do not write the same comments,
Besides the fact that Jesus looks like a girl, I love the painting from Georges de La Tour. Most of the religiouse paintings focus on Jesus or the desciples, this one however, focuses on Jeseph. I like how the light refelcts in the face of Jesus and how calm joseph seems. Working with children, or explaining them how to do something can be a pain, but joseph seems to enjoy showing Jesus how things work. He even letz him hold the candel. Its a very nice painting.
Poussin studied perspective, anatomy and examined ancient sculpture. On paintings he relates powerful themes such as death, loyalty, and revenge. he arranges the figures in a Classical frieze, (low relief, small scene). he believed the highest aim of painting is to represent noble and serious human actions.
Blenheim palace, is evident of the marriage of English, French and Italian Baroque elements. A grandiose structure designed by Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor. Blenheim skillfully combines the massing of an English castle, with the breadth of a country house such as Longleat, the rambling character of France, and a facade isnpired by Sir Christopher Wren, Vanbrugh's rival.
I enjoyed the paintings of Rubens very much. I think his different styles are very interesting and can catch the eye at any time. All of his paintings include many differetn scenes which are very enjoyable and very fun to view/research.
I loveed de La Tour's Joseph the Carpenter. It reminds of Carravagio who I also enjoy. The candle lights up Jesus' face as well as the base of Joseph's forehead and arm. There is something calm and beautiful about father and son in this piece. I think his use of tenebrism works rather well in this painting. My interpretation is of father and son sneaking off in the night to spend quality time together. Something I think is important in a parent/child relationship.
The Landscape with St.John on Patmos by Nicolas Poussin is a mixture of actuality and antiquity,for as we see in this painting St.John is in a landscape with architectural ruins.However the background is current in those times.That painting reflects the beauty of the landscape and the calm that he felt at the of his life on the island of Patmos.
Even though Poussin has bright and colorful paintings, To me they are somewhat blurry. To me hwen i look at them I feel that I do not have my glasses on. The clarity of the painting to me need to be more prcise. I do enjoy looking at his paintings b ut I wish they were mnore clear
I really like Simon Vouet's The Toilet of Venus. In this work Vouet uses continues swirling circles, near nudity, interest in fabric, and luminous colors to show the erotic. I like it becuase of the use of color, it makes the painting more intersting and it get your attention. It also makes it look very important.
I found the architecture of Jules Hardouin-Mansart very interesting. I found the Church of the Invalides to be her most interesting work, mostly because of the fact that the tomb of the great Napoleon is located now located inside the church.Mansart was greatly influenced by Michelangelo, as is evident by the dome near the top of the church of the Invalides.
Both Van Dyck's "Rinaldo & Armida" and "Portrait of Charles I Hunting," were commissioned by Charles I. The first told the mythical story of Charles' conception, and the second is a posed portrait of him. At first, they aren't very similar, but in both paintings, most of the canvas is dominated by a color palet that blends together. But in each, the viewers' eye is drawn to the one color that is out of place. In "Rinaldo & Armida," it is the red and blue of Arnida's dress. In the portrait, it is Charles' dark hat set against the light background. Both of the focal points are set against the soft blue and cloudy sky.
Besides the fact that Jesus looks like a girl, I love the painting from Georges de La Tour. Most of the religiouse paintings focus on Jesus or the desciples, this one however, focuses on Jeseph. I like how the light refelcts in the face of Jesus and how calm joseph seems. Working with children, or explaining them how to do something can be a pain, but joseph seems to enjoy showing Jesus how things work. He even letz him hold the candel. Its a very nice painting.
Poussin studied perspective, anatomy and examined ancient sculpture. On paintings he relates powerful themes such as death, loyalty, and revenge. he arranges the figures in a Classical frieze, (low relief, small scene). he believed the highest aim of painting is to represent noble and serious human actions.
Blenheim palace, is evident of the marriage of English, French and Italian Baroque elements. A grandiose structure designed by Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor. Blenheim skillfully combines the massing of an English castle, with the breadth of a country house such as Longleat, the rambling character of France, and a facade isnpired by Sir Christopher Wren, Vanbrugh's rival.
I enjoyed the paintings of Rubens very much. I think his different styles are very interesting and can catch the eye at any time. All of his paintings include many differetn scenes which are very enjoyable and very fun to view/research.
I loveed de La Tour's Joseph the Carpenter. It reminds of Carravagio who I also enjoy. The candle lights up Jesus' face as well as the base of Joseph's forehead and arm. There is something calm and beautiful about father and son in this piece. I think his use of tenebrism works rather well in this painting. My interpretation is of father and son sneaking off in the night to spend quality time together. Something I think is important in a parent/child relationship.
The Landscape with St.John on Patmos by Nicolas Poussin is a mixture of actuality and antiquity,for as we see in this painting St.John is in a landscape with architectural ruins.However the background is current in those times.That painting reflects the beauty of the landscape and the calm that he felt at the of his life on the island of Patmos.
Even though Poussin has bright and colorful paintings, To me they are somewhat blurry. To me hwen i look at them I feel that I do not have my glasses on. The clarity of the painting to me need to be more prcise. I do enjoy looking at his paintings b ut I wish they were mnore clear
I really like Simon Vouet's The Toilet of Venus. In this work Vouet uses continues swirling circles, near nudity, interest in fabric, and luminous colors to show the erotic. I like it becuase of the use of color, it makes the painting more intersting and it get your attention. It also makes it look very important.
I found the architecture of Jules Hardouin-Mansart very interesting. I found the Church of the Invalides to be her most interesting work, mostly because of the fact that the tomb of the great Napoleon is located now located inside the church.Mansart was greatly influenced by Michelangelo, as is evident by the dome near the top of the church of the Invalides.
Both Van Dyck's "Rinaldo & Armida" and "Portrait of Charles I Hunting," were commissioned by Charles I. The first told the mythical story of Charles' conception, and the second is a posed portrait of him. At first, they aren't very similar, but in both paintings, most of the canvas is dominated by a color palet that blends together. But in each, the viewers' eye is drawn to the one color that is out of place. In "Rinaldo & Armida," it is the red and blue of Arnida's dress. In the portrait, it is Charles' dark hat set against the light background. Both of the focal points are set against the soft blue and cloudy sky.
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