Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Does Art affect your life in any way and how?

Does Art affect you life in any way and how? or Do you think the Visual Arts are necessary? for education?

You can answer no to any of these questions and you still would have completed the blog assignment.

I am interested in your thoughts and opinions.


Chaotin (Lena T.) said...

Art?? I guess I will go first.
Art is such a huge window of ideas. Starting from a painting of a five year old, all the way up to Leonardo. It does affect me, I'm thankfull for all the great painter in the world, without them my room would look empty and colorless. It also affects history. Today we can just take a picture of the prsident, or next doors dog, but before the invetion of a camara, people had the idea of drawing on stone walls and later on canvas to hold on to memories and pictures of history. Who would know how Euler looked like, or cavemen. Without the gift of art, writing would not be invented, and what about all the sculptures and nice looking castles??
Some weeks ago I read an article about a dramatised child. The child could be helped because it painted what happened. So people talk though art and transfer information. That is very interesting to me. Personaly, I have to art to break things instead of creating, but like I said I'm glad there are artists out there.

LO said...

Of course art affects our lives. It is an expression of emotions, feelings, beliefs; and it ties into our everyday life. When we look through magazines or watch TV we see add campaigns, when you purchase something in the store, often times its packaging is an art form. Art is all around us. In our educational lives, we see art in literature and films. When you read Faulkner, Joyce, or O'Connor you are reading a piece of art that is described for you to view in your mind. All films, be it a blockbuster or Wise Blood by O'Connor is a visual piece of art, an expression of the writer, director, actors, etc.

Mr. Persaud said...

I believe that art affects all of our lives in everyway. Not just in school, but in work, and everyday life. For me, Art is a very large part of my life. I enjoy art a lot and know its stories cqan affect me greatly. The way the artist paints his/her paintings affects me by changing my feelings. One painting may be sad and dark yet another may be lively and bright. These types of paintings can change my moods and ideas about certain subjects.
I believe that many subjects in school need very much to have the visual arts. Not all subjects such as math and physical education may not need visual arts. Yet I believe that English and history are needed in these classrooms. The students will be able to learn much more and much easier with the aid of visual arts. I speak of course from experience.

SandraT said...
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SandraT said...

Yes, art affects my life since the instant that I open my eyes to watch a beautiful sunrise, for art means too many things, and it expresses in many ways through its beauty. We could see art everywhere since music, literature, or drama to paintings, architecture and any landscape. Visual arts are those creations that we can look at and express an opinion about it, and it is really important for education because it is a huge part of our culture that we should learn to understand our origins. Furthermore, art it is part of our identity to learn where we come from and how that can help us to be better human beings.

S. Irizarry said...

In many ways art does affect our lives. We start with art when we are kids using our imagination to draw or build something. It's a way for us to express ourselves. Art is something in our everyday lives just like math. Taking this class helps to visualize the way painters viewed things and help us realize things we have never before. To helps us to open up and let some more information round off the rough edges we had about some views of paintings. So art is very important in terms of education too. Not only does it show us different things, but it ties history into it as well.

Ray Sanchez said...

Yes, because it has many diiferent meanings. It portraits what the authors have experience, what is going on in their time and pieces that have to do with the environment being tied with good or evil. It also portraits the history of a country, place of even a century. We can see wars that happend, the kings that were at that time and in general the history. Yes, arts has a lot of meaning not only in my life but it should have it in the life of everyone.

Shannon S said...

Yes, it's very useful to help show my kids different ways to see things, and it will be even moreso, when I am in the school system. Visual arts help to catch the eye and keep the interest of the students.

Arlette said...

Art for me in enjoyable, I donot care for the madern art but I enjoy the romanticicm art. I am not an art buff but I do enjoy some of it. As far as affecting my life I would have to say no. I admire it but it does not affect me in anyway. If music is an art than I would have to say yes. Music inspires me more than a painting does. I have more emotions for music and care for music more than paintings. I definately do not want to purchase any art or hang it in my home but I do like to see it in musuems

Jason said...

Art affects everyones life on a daily basis wether they chose for it to, or not. Because there are so many different kinds of art: from the famous paintings of the past, or someone just making a simple sketch, to one of your friends taking a simple picture with a camera. So knowingly or unknowingly art has an effect on everyones life, on a daily basis. Visual arts are necessary, because some people learn and understand thing better, when they are presented to them visualy. For that reason visual arts are needed in Education, because they bring an entirely new demension to the educational front.

N, Julieth said...

Art is is life. It just depends on how we see it, and what people see as art. I believe it can be a piece of grass to a huge mountain. I think visual art is important because in the case of education, it helps us learn more about specific times and history, or even just about a particular object.