Please talk about one thing you learned in the precursor to Art Hist 2 lecture, or tell me something about Leonardo, Michelangelo, or Bramante's arch/ art. Please do not repeat what someone has already written.
I will post once a week after Tues. class, due before Thurs. Class.
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I was absolute amazed by the interior picture of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Michael Angelo painted the whole ceiling in fresco. It was not just one picture, but many hundreds of biblical scenes. Most of it needed to be pained while he was hanging in the air laying on his back. Just the imagination of holding up the arms and paint for hours and hours under such conditions, overwhelms me. The paintings he made where all accurate and neat. It seems like he invested many hours of work, and lots of passion into his work. The scene in the very middle of the ceiling looks like he was influenced by Masaccio, who painted the story of Genesis and the creation 30 years earlier, with less detailed bodies, but more expression in the faces. So yes that one something about Michael Angelo that fascinated me.
I learned that many of the teqniques and styles used during the Renaissance came from the Greeks and Romans as well as some egyptian. Also I learned that the focuses on the art changed through the years. Some was focused on humanism and realism and then it changed to spritual and more focus on the meaning of the art. The changes in the art included body structure and clothing that made the art more realistic. Also the use of space and demensions. Another change was color and the way the art was created such as frescoes and sculptures
I really love the painting of Leonardo Da Vinci,for his pictures let us think about different kinds of dimensions he could paint that give a realistic view such as "The Virgin of the Rocks".I like that picture because I could interpret the significance of his art,and also that his art was maden to be interpreted in different ways according to our point of view.Also,most of his art has controversial issues,and that make it more interesting.
I learned a lot from last class. Going over to review the pictures from the CD's helped to see where some of the techniques came from. One thing I found interesting was how Michelangelo carved David from marble that had been carved earlier. Michelangelo treated the biblical figure not as a victorious hero, but as the ever vigilant guardian of the city.
I've had a lot of humanities classes, but it's been a while. So, the lecture helped to refresh my memory.
One thing that always rose my curiosity was that the Egyptians were so advanced in their architecture, I'm surprised that they didn't have more advanced methods and vision in the rest of their art.
I very much enjoy Michelangelo and his works. All of his works including the Sistine Chapel are very astounding and very much magnificent! I truly enjoy his "David". It is such a great work of art! The way he has the body in the contraposto stance, and how all of the definition is so real looking. He is a real genius.
What I have learned so far in class has been both integrated into what I already know from Humanities as well as interesting in the new outlook I have gained. I think the most important thing i have learned so far is composition. I now look for the way the figures are arranged on the canvas whether it be circular or triangular. I also look for the vanishing points and whether or not the piece looks flat or seems to have different plains. Its exciting to see the progression of overall themes that are painted: from the biblical themes to the more realistic portrayals of people.
I learned how smart Leonardo da Vinci was. At once he was a scientist, painter, sculptor, musician, architect, and engineer. I was amaze by his architectural project for a church. In this drawing Leonardo imagines a union of circle and square, controlled by proportion, and articulated by Classical orders.
I learned of the very interesting road Michelangelo took, to become the great sculptor, architect, and painter he would one day become. How at fiirst his father did not want him involved in arts, but instead he practically forced him to get a more honorable profession, to the point wear he would beat Michelangelo. How Michelangelo, would soon get it threw his fathers head what he wanted to do with his life,and how his father actually helped him to get paid when he was still just an apprentice.
I was intrigued by Michelangeol's depicition of himself in The Last Judgement and Pieta. For him to be so vulnerable to put his fears into his work for others to see, to me, is beatufiul. I interpret this actions as his own persoanl relationship with Christ. It is as if he is asking for forgiveness and repentance. Especially in the Pieta, to portray himself supporting the broken body of Christ. It is as if he is trying to show his devotion to the Lord.
I guess what amazes me about Michelangelo, is how diverse he is. Whether it is painting or architect he is amazing. His sculpture are so life like in the details. Even with the clothing that he sculpts one can tell what the clothing is. He was definately before his time.
Leonardo Da Vinci, aside from being a great artist was also a great inventor. This sort of dual genius lead him to many important scientific discoveries, even though he never published his ideas. And aside from his masterpieces Da Vinci artistic talent was used in. other capacities. He was said to have done autopsies on cadavers in order to better understand the human body and made detailed drawings of his reaserch.
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