I learned that Da Vinci himself, is reponsible for perhaps the three most influencial works of art of his generation: " Mona Lisa","The Last Supper", and "Creation of Adam". On top of his greatness as an artist he has also achieved, through time, a great deal of respect as an engineer. Putting down the foundations for invetions that would not be possible for hundreds of years after his death, such as: the helicopter,the tank, solar power, and the calculator. Da Vinci truly was the most influencial person of his generation.
The mannerist style was developed in Europe in the 16th century. Usually characterized by a complex perspectival system, elognation of forms, strained gestures or poses of figures, and intense often strident colors. One example is, Jacopo da Pontormo, who developed his own version of mannerist style. Pontormo's figures display an ideal beauty and sculptural solidity inspired by Michelangelo, yet pontormo has squeezed then into an implausibly confined space. The colors are off-primary: pale blues, pinks, oranges, and greens that nay have beeb inspired by the colors of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
Michelangelo expressed mostly all of his art through the believed on the human image as a something divine."Pieta",on of his most important scultures were made in marble using the theme of Mary's Lamentation for her dead son.He tried to interpret the calm and important moment between mother and son rather than a tortured or hopeless one.
Mannerism went from the realistic approach of the early Renaissance to less believable representations of scenes. People's features were stretched and skewed. Their posture and positioning had no obvious reason or natural feel about it. The purpose was to evoke more feeling about the subjects being displayed.
I thought it was interesting to see that Italy is so big and all the artist kind of meet in the same cities. Aslo i did not know that Da Vinci created so much medical work. I knew only of one of his pictures. It fascinated me that he drew all the muscels and body parts without really seeing a human without skin. awesome.
I learned a lot about the Sistine Chapel painting that was done. I didnt known many of the facts that were said in the video. I was very surprised to know that he painted the whole thing on his back for the four years, that really surprised me.
With the mannerist style, for me it gave the artist more freedom to evolve their work. When the religious sector took over they stopped the freedom in the artist. I fell that the mannerist is a big reason why art still evolves today. They were free to paint and explore what they were passionate about. The mannerist style allowed the artist to be who they were.
Maniera, means manner or style, this is where the word Mannerism came from. Mannerism is a style of art that was typically used for paintings and sculptures, but some architects showed this mannerist style in the works. Mannerism emphasized grace, variety and virtuoso display, instead of clarity and unity. The Mannerist artists experimented with proportions, ideal figure types, and unusual compositions rather than repeat ancient forms.
I found Michelangelo's take on the 'Pieta' very aesthetically pleasing. Even though Jesus and Mary are out of proportion it gives the viewer a sens of Mary encompassing her son in love, even though he is now gone. And her face is not one of pain and loss but of a divine calmness. Also esthetically the drapery of Mary's robes are very pleasing.
I leared tha Da Vinci is reponsible for three of the most influncial works of art in his time. "Mona Lisa", "Creationg of Adam", and "The Last Supper." Not only was he a great artist but also was recognized as a great engineer.
I learned that Da Vinci himself, is reponsible for perhaps the three most influencial works of art of his generation: " Mona Lisa","The Last Supper", and "Creation of Adam". On top of his greatness as an artist he has also achieved, through time, a great deal of respect as an engineer. Putting down the foundations for invetions that would not be possible for hundreds of years after his death, such as: the helicopter,the tank, solar power, and the calculator. Da Vinci truly was the most influencial person of his generation.
The mannerist style was developed in Europe in the 16th century. Usually characterized by a complex perspectival system, elognation of forms, strained gestures or poses of figures, and intense often strident colors. One example is, Jacopo da Pontormo, who developed his own version of mannerist style. Pontormo's figures display an ideal beauty and sculptural solidity inspired by Michelangelo, yet pontormo has squeezed then into an implausibly confined space. The colors are off-primary: pale blues, pinks, oranges, and greens that nay have beeb inspired by the colors of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
Michelangelo expressed mostly all of his art through the believed on the human image as a something divine."Pieta",on of his most important scultures were made in marble using the theme of Mary's Lamentation for her dead son.He tried to interpret the calm and important moment between mother and son rather than a tortured or hopeless one.
Mannerism went from the realistic approach of the early Renaissance to less believable representations of scenes. People's features were stretched and skewed. Their posture and positioning had no obvious reason or natural feel about it. The purpose was to evoke more feeling about the subjects being displayed.
I thought it was interesting to see that Italy is so big and all the artist kind of meet in the same cities. Aslo i did not know that Da Vinci created so much medical work. I knew only of one of his pictures. It fascinated me that he drew all the muscels and body parts without really seeing a human without skin. awesome.
I learned a lot about the Sistine Chapel painting that was done. I didnt known many of the facts that were said in the video. I was very surprised to know that he painted the whole thing on his back for the four years, that really surprised me.
Really good comments,
With the mannerist style, for me it gave the artist more freedom to evolve their work. When the religious sector took over they stopped the freedom in the artist. I fell that the mannerist is a big reason why art still evolves today. They were free to paint and explore what they were passionate about. The mannerist style allowed the artist to be who they were.
Maniera, means manner or style, this is where the word Mannerism came from. Mannerism is a style of art that was typically used for paintings and sculptures, but some architects showed this mannerist style in the works. Mannerism emphasized grace, variety and virtuoso display, instead of clarity and unity. The Mannerist artists experimented with proportions, ideal figure types, and unusual compositions rather than repeat ancient forms.
I found Michelangelo's take on the 'Pieta' very aesthetically pleasing. Even though Jesus and Mary are out of proportion it gives the viewer a sens of Mary encompassing her son in love, even though he is now gone. And her face is not one of pain and loss but of a divine calmness. Also esthetically the drapery of Mary's robes are very pleasing.
I leared tha Da Vinci is reponsible for three of the most influncial works of art in his time. "Mona Lisa", "Creationg of Adam", and "The Last Supper." Not only was he a great artist but also was recognized as a great engineer.
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